Patient Care


The Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at the University of Chicago Medicine is at the forefront of epilepsy care. Many of our patients come to us after trying a number of different medications and therapies with little success.

Leading Advancements in Epilepsy Care

Backed by the development of groundbreaking diagnostic techniques and a long history of research, our expert team has the experience to manage nearly all epilepsy-related problems from new onset seizures to rare and difficult-to-treat epileptic syndromes. With non-invasive technology and contemporary diagnostic techniques, we can pinpoint the origin of most seizures with precision. Having this advantage can significantly increase diagnostic accuracy and improve patient outcomes.

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a chronic, non-communicable neurologic disorder defined by two or more unprovoked seizures. Provoked seizures result from some immediately recognizable stimulus (for example, low blood sugar in people with diabetes), while unprovoked seizures have no immediately recognizable cause. Provoked seizures are unlikely to recur if the provocations can be avoided; however, unprovoked seizures have the tendency to recur and are the hallmark of epilepsy. When someone has two or more seizures, doctors diagnose epilepsy.

Epilepsy Clinical Trial

For more information visit:  UChicago Medicine Epilepsy